What We Do

At HCA, we focus on children and young people aged 5-17, providing both online and offline chess education. Our programs are designed to cater to all skill levels, ensuring that every student can progress at their own pace. The curriculum at Hope Chess Academy is thoughtfully structured into three progressive modules, each designed to cater to different skill levels and enhance students’ chess proficiency.

  • Beginner Program: Beginner Course introduces the fundamental aspects of chess, including the rules, piece movements, and basic strategies. This module lays a solid foundation, enabling students to confidently engage in gameplay and develop a love for the game.
  • Intermediate Program: Intermediate Course builds upon the knowledge gained in Module 1, focusing on essential strategies and tactical maneuvers. Students learn to think critically and plan their moves, transitioning from basic play to more strategic and skilled approaches.
  • Advance Program: Intermediate Course builds upon the knowledge gained in Module 1, focusing on essential strategies and tactical maneuvers. Students learn to think critically and plan their moves, transitioning from basic play to more strategic and skilled approaches.

Together, these modules create a comprehensive learning path, ensuring that every student can progress at their own pace while gaining the skills needed to excel in chess.

Why We Do What We Do

At Hope Chess Academy, we believe that chess is more than just a game—it’s a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. Our mission is to harness this potential to help children and young people from diverse backgrounds discover their strengths, build resilience, and develop essential life skills that go far beyond the chessboard.

We are driven by the conviction that every child, regardless of their background, should have the opportunity to explore their full potential. Chess teaches critical thinking, strategic planning, and emotional resilience, qualities that are crucial for success in all areas of life. By making chess education accessible to all, we aim to equip young minds with the skills and confidence they need to navigate life’s challenges and achieve their goals.

Our commitment to inclusivity and diversity means that we strive to reach children from every walk of life, creating a supportive community where everyone feels welcome and valued. We are passionate about using chess as a vehicle for social change, empowering the next generation to become thoughtful, engaged, and successful individuals.

In everything we do, we are guided by the belief that *every move counts*. We are dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of our students, helping them grow into confident, capable, and compassionate individuals who are prepared to succeed both on and off the chessboard.

How We Do It

At Hope Chess Academy, we transform lives through a dynamic and inclusive approach to chess education. Our innovative curriculum is designed to engage and inspire students, integrating chess with subjects like mathematics, creative arts, and critical thinking. We create a holistic learning experience that nurtures cognitive development and fosters creativity and problem-solving skills.

Our team of FIDE-trained coaches brings a wealth of expertise and passion to each session. They tailor their instruction to meet the unique needs of each student, whether in private 1:1 classes or interactive group settings. Through personalized guidance and encouragement, our coaches help students build confidence and mastery in their chess abilities.

Through outreach programs in schools, community centers, and refugee camps, we extend our impact to those who might not otherwise have access to quality chess education. By providing opportunities for all children to participate, we foster a sense of belonging and empower young minds to thrive, both on and off the chessboard.

In every aspect of our work, we are committed to making a meaningful difference. By combining expert instruction, innovative learning methods, and a focus on inclusivity, we ensure that every child can experience the transformative benefits of chess education.

Our Courses Details

Beginner Course

Focuses on introducing the basic concepts of chess, enabling students to grasp the fundamental rules, piece movements, and game etiquette. The learning outcomes for this module ensure that students gain confidence in their ability to play chess and understand its foundational elements.

Learning Outcomes for Module 1: Beginner Course

  1. Basic Chess Knowledge: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the chessboard layout, including ranks, files, and squares.
  2. Piece Movement: Students will accurately describe and execute the movement of all chess pieces, including special moves like castling and en passant.
  3. Basic Rules: Students will understand and apply the fundamental rules of chess, including check, checkmate, and stalemate.
  4. Initial Game Setup: Students will be able to set up the chessboard correctly for a game of chess.
  5. Simple Tactics: Students will recognize and execute basic tactical ideas, such as check threats and capturing pieces.
  6. Game Etiquette: Students will learn proper chess etiquette, including turn-taking and sportsmanship during games.

Intermediate Course

Intermediate course delves deeper into strategic thinking and tactical play. It empowers students to transition from basic understanding to applying essential strategies and principles in their games. The learning outcomes in this module emphasize the development of critical thinking skills and the ability to formulate plans for success.

Learning Outcomes for Module 2: Intermediate Course

  1. Enhance strategic thinking: Equip students with the ability to plan and control
    the game.
  2. Introduce Key tactical concepts: Familiarize students with essential tactics like
    forks, pins, skewers, and sacrifices.
  3. Develop positional understanding: Teach students how to effectively control
    space, develop pieces, and maintain the initiative.
  4. Improves Concentration and Focus: Students learn to focus for extended
    periods, which can translate into better academic performance.
  5. Builds Patience and Discipline: The need to wait for the right opportunity to
    make a move teaches patience and strategic thinking.
  6. Apply learning practically: Reinforce these concepts through puzzles, practice
    games, chess dice, balance scale, chess matrix and guided analysis.

Advance Course

Advance course is designed for players ready to refine their skills and tackle more complex challenges. It focuses on advanced tactics, strategic planning, and psychological resilience, preparing students for competitive play. The learning outcomes for this module aim to enhance their analytical abilities and foster a deeper understanding of high-level chess.

Learning Outcomes for Module 2: Intermediate Course

  1. Opening Mastery: Students will develop and confidently play an advanced repertoire of opening strategies, understanding the underlying principles and typical middlegame transitions.
  2. Positional Understanding: Students will analyze positions to determine strategic strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to make informed decisions about piece placement and pawn structure.
  3. Endgame Expertise: Students will demonstrate proficiency in advanced endgame techniques, achieving winning positions from various scenarios.
  4. Strategic Planning and Execution: Students will formulate and execute long-term plans based on comprehensive positional assessments, leading to improved overall performance.
  5. Psychological Resilience: Students will cultivate mental toughness and effective strategies to manage stress and maintain focus in competitive environments.
  6. Critical Game Analysis: Students will analyze and critique their own games and those of others, identifying key moments and areas for improvement.
  7. Tournament Preparedness: Students will demonstrate readiness for competitive play, incorporating strategies for effective preparation, time management, and adaptation to various opponents.

Beginner Price

Course Price:

£-50 Pounds


Zac Livingston

Lesson Duration

4 Weeks



Intermediate Price

Course Price:

£70 Pounds


Zac Livingston

Lesson Duration

4 Weeks



Advance Price

Course Price:

£80 Pounds


Zac Livingston

Lesson Duration

4 Weeks




Our Testinonials And Achievements